Here is a list of the top seven most lively dinosaurs as determined by users of the Internet. Feel free to vote for these or other dinosaurs by clicking the button below.
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Vote for Iberomesornis as Most Lively
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Longchengpterus is voted the first most lively dinosaurs with 141 votes.
Longchengpterus was a genus of istiodactylid pterodactyloid pterosaur from the Barremian-Aptian-age Lower Cretaceous Jiufotang Formation of Chaoyang, Liaoning, China. The genus was named in 2006 by Wang Li, Li Li, Duan Ye and Cheng Shao-li. The genus name is derived from the old name of Chaoyang City, Longcheng, and a Latinised Greek pteron, "wing".
Heyuannia is voted the second most lively dinosaurs with 135 votes.
Heyuannia ("from Heyuan") is a genus of oviraptorid dinosaur that lived during the Late Cretaceous Period in China. It was the first oviraptorid found in that country; most others were found in neighbouring Mongolia. Two species are known: H.
Magnapaulia is voted the third most lively dinosaurs with 134 votes.
Magnapaulia is a genus of herbivorous lambeosaurine hadrosaurid dinosaurs known from the Latest Cretaceous Baja California, of northwestern Mexico. It contains a single species, Magnapaulia laticaudus.Magnapaulia was first described in 1981 as a possible species of Lambeosaurus by William J. Morris, and was given its own genus in 2012 by Prieto-Márquez and colleagues.Between 1968 and 1974, a team of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County headed by geologist William J.
Lythronax is voted the fourth most lively dinosaurs with 134 votes.
Lythronax is a genus of tyrannosaurid theropod dinosaur that lived around 80.6 to 79.9 million years ago in what is now southern Utah, USA. The generic name is derived from the Greek words lythron meaning "gore" and anax meaning "king". Lythronax was a large sized, moderately-built, ground-dwelling, bipedal carnivore that could grow up to an estimated 8 m (26.2 ft) in length and weighed 2.5 tonnes (5,500 lb).
Parapsicephalus is voted the fifth most lively dinosaurs with 131 votes.
Parapsicephalus (meaning "beside arch head") is a genus of long-tailed rhamphorhynchid pterosaurs from the Lower Jurassic Whitby, Yorkshire, England. It contains a single species, P. purdoni, named initially as a species of the related rhamphorhynchid Scaphognathus in 1888 but moved to its own genus in 1919 on account of a unique combination of characteristics.
Kotasaurus is voted the sixth most lively dinosaurs with 130 votes.
Kotasaurus (/ˌkoʊtəˈsɔːrəs/ KOH-tə-SAWR-əs; meaning "Kota Formation lizard") is a genus of sauropod dinosaur from the Early Jurassic period (Sinemurian–Pliensbachian). The only known species is Kotasaurus yamanpalliensis. It was discovered in the Kota Formation of Telangana, India and shared its habitat with the related Barapasaurus.
Laosaurus is voted the seventh most lively dinosaurs with 130 votes.
Laosaurus (meaning "stone or fossil lizard") is a genus of neornithischian dinosaur. The type species is Laosaurus celer, first described by O.C. Marsh in 1878 from remains from the Oxfordian-Tithonian-age Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation of Wyoming.