Top 7 Most Old-fashioned Vegetables

Here is a list of the top seven most old-fashioned vegetables as determined by users of the Internet. Feel free to vote for these or other vegetables by clicking the button below.

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#1 Soy Beans

Soy Beans is voted the first most old-fashioned vegetables with 283 votes.

#2 Green Beans

Green Beans is voted the second most old-fashioned vegetables with 176 votes.

#3 Aubergine

Aubergine is voted the third most old-fashioned vegetables with 160 votes.

#4 Wasabi

Wasabi is voted the fourth most old-fashioned vegetables with 154 votes.

#5 Patty Pans

Patty Pans is voted the fifth most old-fashioned vegetables with 154 votes.

#6 Habanero

Habanero is voted the sixth most old-fashioned vegetables with 150 votes.

#7 Black Beans

Black Beans is voted the seventh most old-fashioned vegetables with 135 votes.