Here is a list of the top seven most silly dog breeds as determined by users of the Internet. Feel free to vote for these or other dog breeds by clicking the button below.
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Vote for Airedale Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for Akbash Dog as Most Silly
Vote for Akita as Most Silly
Vote for Alano Espanol as Most Silly
Vote for Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog as Most Silly
Vote for Alaskan Husky as Most Silly
Vote for Alaskan Klee Kai as Most Silly
Vote for Alaskan Malamute as Most Silly
Vote for Alopekis as Most Silly
Vote for American Bulldog as Most Silly
Vote for American Cocker Spaniel as Most Silly
Vote for American English Coonhound as Most Silly
Vote for American Eskimo Dog as Most Silly
Vote for American Foxhound as Most Silly
Vote for American Hairless Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for American Mastiff as Most Silly
Vote for American Pit Bull Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for American Staffordshire Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for American Staghound as Most Silly
Vote for American Water Spaniel as Most Silly
Vote for American White Shepherd as Most Silly
Vote for Anatolian Shepherd Dog as Most Silly
Vote for Andalusian Hound as Most Silly
Vote for Appenzeller Sennenhund as Most Silly
Vote for Argentine Dogo as Most Silly
Vote for Ariege Pointer as Most Silly
Vote for Ariegeois as Most Silly
Vote for Australian Bulldog as Most Silly
Vote for Australian Cattle Dog as Most Silly
Vote for Australian Kelpie as Most Silly
Vote for Australian Shepherd as Most Silly
Vote for Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog as Most Silly
Vote for Australian Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for Austrian Black And Tan Hound as Most Silly
Vote for Austrian Pinscher as Most Silly
Vote for Azawakh as Most Silly
Vote for Barbet as Most Silly
Vote for Basenji as Most Silly
Vote for Basset Artesien Normand as Most Silly
Vote for Basset Bleu De Gascogne as Most Silly
Vote for Basset Fauve De Bretagne as Most Silly
Vote for Basset Hound as Most Silly
Vote for Bavarian Mountain Hound as Most Silly
Vote for Beagle as Most Silly
Vote for Beagle-Harrier as Most Silly
Vote for Beaglier as Most Silly
Vote for Bearded Collie as Most Silly
Vote for Beauceron as Most Silly
Vote for Bedlington Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for Belgian Malinois as Most Silly
Vote for Belgian Sheepdog as Most Silly
Vote for Belgian Shepherd Laekenois as Most Silly
Vote for Belgian Tervuren as Most Silly
Vote for Bergamasco as Most Silly
Vote for Berger Picard as Most Silly
Vote for Bernese Mountain Dog as Most Silly
Vote for Bichon Frise as Most Silly
Vote for Black And Tan Coonhound as Most Silly
Vote for Black Mouth Cur as Most Silly
Vote for Black Norwegian Elkhound as Most Silly
Vote for Black Russian Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for Bloodhound as Most Silly
Vote for Blue Lacy as Most Silly
Vote for Blue Picardy Spaniel as Most Silly
Vote for Bluetick Coonhound as Most Silly
Vote for Boerboel as Most Silly
Vote for Bohemian Shepherd as Most Silly
Vote for Bolognese Dog as Most Silly
Vote for Border Collie as Most Silly
Vote for Border Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for Borzoi as Most Silly
Vote for Boston Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for Bouvier Des Ardennes as Most Silly
Vote for Bouvier Des Flandres as Most Silly
Vote for Boxer as Most Silly
Vote for Boykin Spaniel as Most Silly
Vote for Bracco Italiano as Most Silly
Vote for Braque Du Bourbonnais as Most Silly
Vote for Brazilian Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for Briard as Most Silly
Vote for Briquet Griffon Vendeen as Most Silly
Vote for Brittany as Most Silly
Vote for Brussels Griffon as Most Silly
Vote for Bukovina Sheepdog as Most Silly
Vote for Bulgarian Shepherd Dog as Most Silly
Vote for Bull Arab as Most Silly
Vote for Bull Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for Bulldog as Most Silly
Vote for Bullmastiff as Most Silly
Vote for Cairmal as Most Silly
Vote for Cairn Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for Canaan Dog as Most Silly
Vote for Canadian Eskimo Dog as Most Silly
Vote for Cane Corso as Most Silly
Vote for Cão Da Serra De Aires as Most Silly
Vote for Caravan Hound as Most Silly
Vote for Cardigan Welsh Corgi as Most Silly
Vote for Carolina Dog as Most Silly
Vote for Carpathian Sheepdog as Most Silly
Vote for Catahoula Bulldog as Most Silly
Vote for Catahoula Leopard Dog as Most Silly
Vote for Catalan Sheepdog as Most Silly
Vote for Caucasian Ovcharka as Most Silly
Vote for Cavalier King Charles Spaniel as Most Silly
Vote for Central Asian Ovtcharka as Most Silly
Vote for Cesky Fousek as Most Silly
Vote for Cesky Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for Chart Polski as Most Silly
Vote for Chesapeake Bay Retriever as Most Silly
Vote for Chihuahua as Most Silly
Vote for Chinese Crested as Most Silly
Vote for Chinook as Most Silly
Vote for Chippiparai as Most Silly
Vote for Chizer as Most Silly
Vote for Chorkie as Most Silly
Vote for Chow Chow as Most Silly
Vote for Cirneco Dell’Etna as Most Silly
Vote for Clumber Spaniel as Most Silly
Vote for Cockalier as Most Silly
Vote for Cockapoo as Most Silly
Vote for Collie as Most Silly
Vote for Coton De Tulear as Most Silly
Vote for Cotonese as Most Silly
Vote for Croatian Sheepdog as Most Silly
Vote for Curly-Coated Retriever as Most Silly
Vote for Czechoslovakian Wolfdog as Most Silly
Vote for Dachshund as Most Silly
Vote for Dalmatian as Most Silly
Vote for Dandie Dinmont Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for Danish-Swedish Farmdog as Most Silly
Vote for Deutsche Bracke as Most Silly
Vote for Dingo as Most Silly
Vote for Doberman Pinscher as Most Silly
Vote for Dogue De Bordeaux as Most Silly
Vote for Dorgi as Most Silly
Vote for Dorkie as Most Silly
Vote for Double Doodle as Most Silly
Vote for Drentse Patrijshond as Most Silly
Vote for Drever as Most Silly
Vote for Dunker as Most Silly
Vote for Dutch Shepherd Dog as Most Silly
Vote for Dutch Smoushond as Most Silly
Vote for East Siberian Laika as Most Silly
Vote for East-European Shepherd as Most Silly
Vote for English Cocker Spaniel as Most Silly
Vote for English Foxhound as Most Silly
Vote for English Setter as Most Silly
Vote for English Shepherd as Most Silly
Vote for English Springer Spaniel as Most Silly
Vote for English Toy Spaniel as Most Silly
Vote for Entlebucher Mountain Dog as Most Silly
Vote for Eurasier as Most Silly
Vote for Field Spaniel as Most Silly
Vote for Fila Brasileiro as Most Silly
Vote for Finnish Hound as Most Silly
Vote for Finnish Lapphund as Most Silly
Vote for Finnish Spitz as Most Silly
Vote for Flat-Coated Retriever as Most Silly
Vote for Francais Blanc Et Noir as Most Silly
Vote for French Bulldog as Most Silly
Vote for French Spaniel as Most Silly
Vote for German Longhaired Pointer as Most Silly
Vote for German Pinscher as Most Silly
Vote for German Shepherd as Most Silly
Vote for German Shorthaired Pointer as Most Silly
Vote for German Wirehaired Pointer as Most Silly
Vote for Giant Schnauzer as Most Silly
Vote for Glen Of Imaal Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for Golden Retriever as Most Silly
Vote for Goldendoodle as Most Silly
Vote for Gordon Setter as Most Silly
Vote for Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen as Most Silly
Vote for Grand Bleu De Gascogne as Most Silly
Vote for Great Dane as Most Silly
Vote for Great Pyrenees as Most Silly
Vote for Greater Swiss Mountain Dog as Most Silly
Vote for Greenland Dog as Most Silly
Vote for Greyhound as Most Silly
Vote for Griffon Bleu De Gascogne as Most Silly
Vote for Hamilton Hound as Most Silly
Vote for Harrier as Most Silly
Vote for Havanese as Most Silly
Vote for Hokkaido Dog as Most Silly
Vote for Hovawart as Most Silly
Vote for Ibizan Hound as Most Silly
Vote for Icelandic Sheepdog as Most Silly
Vote for Irish Red And White Setter as Most Silly
Vote for Irish Setter as Most Silly
Vote for Irish Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for Irish Water Spaniel as Most Silly
Vote for Irish Wolfhound as Most Silly
Vote for Italian Greyhound as Most Silly
Vote for Jack Russell Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for Jagdterrier as Most Silly
Vote for Jämthund as Most Silly
Vote for Japanese Chin as Most Silly
Vote for Japanese Spitz as Most Silly
Vote for Japanese Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for Kangal Dog as Most Silly
Vote for Karelian Bear Dog as Most Silly
Vote for Karst Shepherd as Most Silly
Vote for Keeshond as Most Silly
Vote for Kerry Blue Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for King Shepherd as Most Silly
Vote for Kishu Ken as Most Silly
Vote for Komondor as Most Silly
Vote for Kooikerhondje as Most Silly
Vote for Koolie as Most Silly
Vote for Korean Jindo as Most Silly
Vote for Kromfohrlander as Most Silly
Vote for Kuvasz as Most Silly
Vote for Kyi-Leo as Most Silly
Vote for Labrador Retriever as Most Silly
Vote for Lagotto Romagnolo as Most Silly
Vote for Lakeland Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for Lancashire Heeler as Most Silly
Vote for Landseer as Most Silly
Vote for Lapponian Herder as Most Silly
Vote for Large Munsterlander as Most Silly
Vote for Leonberger as Most Silly
Vote for Lhasa Apso as Most Silly
Vote for Lowchen as Most Silly
Vote for Lucas Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for Lurcher as Most Silly
Vote for Majestic Tree Hound as Most Silly
Vote for Mal-Shi as Most Silly
Vote for Maltese as Most Silly
Vote for Manchester Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for Maremma Sheepdog as Most Silly
Vote for Mastiff as Most Silly
Vote for McNab as Most Silly
Vote for Miniature American Shepherd as Most Silly
Vote for Miniature Bull Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for Miniature Bulldog as Most Silly
Vote for Miniature Pinscher as Most Silly
Vote for Miniature Poodle as Most Silly
Vote for Miniature Schnauzer as Most Silly
Vote for Miniature Shar Pei as Most Silly
Vote for Moscow Watchdog as Most Silly
Vote for Mountain Cur as Most Silly
Vote for Mountain Feist as Most Silly
Vote for Mudi as Most Silly
Vote for Neapolitan Mastiff as Most Silly
Vote for New Guinea Singing Dog as Most Silly
Vote for Newfoundland as Most Silly
Vote for Norfolk Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for Norrbottenspets as Most Silly
Vote for Northern Inuit Dog as Most Silly
Vote for Norwegian Buhund as Most Silly
Vote for Norwegian Elkhound as Most Silly
Vote for Norwegian Lundehund as Most Silly
Vote for Norwich Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever as Most Silly
Vote for Old English Sheepdog as Most Silly
Vote for Olde English Bulldogge as Most Silly
Vote for Otterhound as Most Silly
Vote for Pakistani Mastiff as Most Silly
Vote for Papillon as Most Silly
Vote for Parson Russell Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for Patterdale Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for Pekingese as Most Silly
Vote for Pembroke Welsh Corgi as Most Silly
Vote for Perro De Presa Canario as Most Silly
Vote for Perro De Presa Mallorquin as Most Silly
Vote for Peruvian Inca Orchid as Most Silly
Vote for Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen as Most Silly
Vote for Pharaoh Hound as Most Silly
Vote for Picardy Spaniel as Most Silly
Vote for Plott Hound as Most Silly
Vote for Plummer Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for Pointer as Most Silly
Vote for Polish Hunting Dog as Most Silly
Vote for Polish Lowland Sheepdog as Most Silly
Vote for Polish Tatra Sheepdog as Most Silly
Vote for Pomeranian as Most Silly
Vote for Pont-Audemer Spaniel as Most Silly
Vote for Poodle as Most Silly
Vote for Portuguese Podengo Pequeno as Most Silly
Vote for Portuguese Pointer as Most Silly
Vote for Portuguese Water Dog as Most Silly
Vote for Prazsky Krysarik as Most Silly
Vote for Pudelpointer as Most Silly
Vote for Pug as Most Silly
Vote for Puggle as Most Silly
Vote for Puli as Most Silly
Vote for Pumi as Most Silly
Vote for Pyrenean Shepherd as Most Silly
Vote for Rafeiro Do Alentejo as Most Silly
Vote for Rajapalayam Dog as Most Silly
Vote for Rat Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for Redbone Coonhound as Most Silly
Vote for Rhodesian Ridgeback as Most Silly
Vote for Rottweiler as Most Silly
Vote for Russian Spaniel as Most Silly
Vote for Russian Toy as Most Silly
Vote for Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka as Most Silly
Vote for Saarloos Wolfdog as Most Silly
Vote for Saluki as Most Silly
Vote for Samoyed as Most Silly
Vote for Sapsali as Most Silly
Vote for Sarplaninac as Most Silly
Vote for Schapendoes as Most Silly
Vote for Schipperke as Most Silly
Vote for Scottish Deerhound as Most Silly
Vote for Scottish Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for Sealyham Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for Seppala Siberian Sleddog as Most Silly
Vote for Serbian Hound as Most Silly
Vote for Shar-Pei as Most Silly
Vote for Shetland Sheepdog as Most Silly
Vote for Shiba Inu as Most Silly
Vote for Shichon as Most Silly
Vote for Shih Tzu as Most Silly
Vote for Shikoku Dog as Most Silly
Vote for Shiloh Shepherd Dog as Most Silly
Vote for Siberian Husky as Most Silly
Vote for Silken Windhound as Most Silly
Vote for Silky Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for Skye Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for Sloughi as Most Silly
Vote for Slovensky Cuvac as Most Silly
Vote for Smaland Hound as Most Silly
Vote for Small Munsterlander as Most Silly
Vote for Smooth Fox Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for South Russian Ovcharka as Most Silly
Vote for Spanish Greyhound as Most Silly
Vote for Spanish Mastiff as Most Silly
Vote for Spanish Water Dog as Most Silly
Vote for Spinone Italiano as Most Silly
Vote for St. Bernard as Most Silly
Vote for Stabyhoun as Most Silly
Vote for Staffordshire Bull Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for Standard Schnauzer as Most Silly
Vote for Sussex Spaniel as Most Silly
Vote for Swedish Lapphund as Most Silly
Vote for Swedish Vallhund as Most Silly
Vote for Taco Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for Tamaskan Dog as Most Silly
Vote for Texas Heeler as Most Silly
Vote for Thai Bangkaew Dog as Most Silly
Vote for Thai Ridgeback as Most Silly
Vote for Tibetan Mastiff as Most Silly
Vote for Tibetan Spaniel as Most Silly
Vote for Tibetan Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for Tornjak as Most Silly
Vote for Tosa Ken as Most Silly
Vote for Toy Fox Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for Toy Poodle as Most Silly
Vote for Transylvanian Hound as Most Silly
Vote for Treeing Walker Coonhound as Most Silly
Vote for Vizsla as Most Silly
Vote for Volpino Italiano as Most Silly
Vote for Weimaraner as Most Silly
Vote for Welsh Springer Spaniel as Most Silly
Vote for Welsh Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for West Highland White Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for West Siberian Laika as Most Silly
Vote for Wetterhoun as Most Silly
Vote for Whippet as Most Silly
Vote for Wire Fox Terrier as Most Silly
Vote for Wirehaired Pointing Griffon as Most Silly
Vote for Wirehaired Vizsla as Most Silly
Vote for Xoloitzcuintli as Most Silly
Vote for Yorkshire Terrier as Most Silly
American Bulldog is voted the first most silly dog breeds with 257 votes.
The American Bulldog is a breed of utility dog descended from the Old English Bulldog.The Old English Bulldog was preserved by working class immigrants who brought their working dogs with them to the American South. Small farmers and ranchers used this all-around working dog for many tasks including farm guardians, stock dogs and catch dogs. These dogs were not an actual breed as considered by today's standards but were a generic bulldog type.
Crossbreed dogs or designer dogs are dogs which have been intentionally bred from two or more recognized dog breeds and not from dogs with no purebred ancestors, but have not been artificially bred to each other enough to breed true and be recognized as a breed in their own right. Several unofficially recognized crossbreed types date from the 14th century or earlier, such as the lurcher or the longdog. The Encyclopædia Britannica traces the term "designer dog" to the late 20th century, when breeders began to cross purebred poodles with other purebred breeds in order to obtain a dog with the poodles' hypoallergenic coat, along with various desirable characteristics from other breeds.The primary identifying mark of a crossbred "designer dog" is that the resulting puppies are called by a portmanteau word made up of syllables (or sounds) from the breed names of the two purebred parents, such as Schnoodle (Schnauzer and poodle cross).
Australian Shepherd is voted the third most silly dog breeds with 205 votes.
13–36 The Australian Shepherd, often known simply as the "Aussie", is a medium-sized breed of dog that was, despite its name, developed on ranches in the Western United States during the 19th century. The dog was developed from a breed or breeds from the Basque country in Western Europe. It was brought by Basque people to the United States.
The Beaglier is a designer breed, the offspring of a Beagle and a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. The Beaglier became particularly popular through crossbreeding programs in Australia during the 1990s. The dog was developed because of affection for the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and the Beagle breeds; the breeders were looking for a healthy, energetic small dog with a less active scent drive than that of the Beagle.
Golden Retriever is voted the fifth most silly dog breeds with 189 votes.
The Golden Retriever is a large-sized breed of dog bred as gun dogs to retrieve shot waterfowl, such as ducks and upland game birds, during hunting and shooting parties, and were named 'retriever' because of their ability to retrieve shot game undamaged (soft mouth). Golden retrievers have an instinctive love of water, and are easy to train to basic or advanced obedience standards. They are a long-coated breed, with a dense inner coat that provides them with adequate warmth in the outdoors, and an outer coat that lies flat against their bodies and repels water.
Japanese Terrier is voted the sixth most silly dog breeds with 173 votes.
English Shepherd is voted the seventh most silly dog breeds with 169 votes.