Top 7 lists as voted by people on the Internet. It's all a big popularity contest - go in and vote, once every hour!
Most Attractive
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Most Beautiful
Most Chubby
Most Elegant
Most Fancy
Most Glamorous
Most Gorgeous
Most Handsome
Most Magnificent
Most Muscular
Most Scruffy
Most Skinny
Most Clever
Most Gentle
Most Happy
Most Kind
Most Lively
Most Nice
Most Obedient
Most Silly
Most Clumsy
Most Fierce
Most Lazy
Most Attractive
Most Dazzling
Most Fancy
Most Glamorous
Most Magnificent
Most Careful
Most Clever
Most Gifted
Most Hallowed
Most Helpful
Most Important
Most Inexpensive
Most Odd
Most Poor
Most Powerful
Most Rich
Most Shy
Most Unimportant
Most Aggressive
Most Brave
Most Kind
Most Polite
Most Silly
Most Witty
Most Fierce
Most Mysterious
Most Refined
Most Old-fashioned
Most Cool
Most Strong
Most Attractive
Most Dazzling
Most Fancy
Most Glamorous
Most Magnificent
Most Careful
Most Clever
Most Gifted
Most Hallowed
Most Helpful
Most Important
Most Inexpensive
Most Odd
Most Poor
Most Powerful
Most Rich
Most Shy
Most Unimportant
Most Aggressive
Most Brave
Most Kind
Most Polite
Most Silly
Most Witty
Most Fierce
Most Mysterious
Most Refined
Most Old-fashioned
Most Cool
Most Strong
Most Attractive
Most Dazzling
Most Fancy
Most Glamorous
Most Magnificent
Most Careful
Most Clever
Most Gifted
Most Hallowed
Most Helpful
Most Important
Most Inexpensive
Most Odd
Most Poor
Most Powerful
Most Rich
Most Shy
Most Unimportant
Most Aggressive
Most Brave
Most Kind
Most Polite
Most Silly
Most Witty
Most Fierce
Most Mysterious
Most Refined
Most Old-fashioned
Most Cool
Most Strong
Most Attractive
Most Dazzling
Most Fancy
Most Glamorous
Most Magnificent
Most Careful
Most Clever
Most Gifted
Most Hallowed
Most Helpful
Most Important
Most Inexpensive
Most Odd
Most Poor
Most Powerful
Most Rich
Most Shy
Most Unimportant
Most Aggressive
Most Brave
Most Kind
Most Polite
Most Silly
Most Witty
Most Fierce
Most Mysterious
Most Refined
Most Old-fashioned
Most Cool
Most Strong
Most Attractive
Most Bald
Most Beautiful
Most Chubby
Most Elegant
Most Fancy
Most Glamorous
Most Gorgeous
Most Handsome
Most Magnificent
Most Muscular
Most Scruffy
Most Skinny
Most Clever
Most Gentle
Most Happy
Most Kind
Most Lively
Most Nice
Most Obedient
Most Silly
Most Clumsy
Most Fierce
Most Lazy
Most Attractive
Most Bald
Most Beautiful
Most Chubby
Most Elegant
Most Fancy
Most Glamorous
Most Gorgeous
Most Handsome
Most Magnificent
Most Muscular
Most Scruffy
Most Skinny
Most Clever
Most Gentle
Most Happy
Most Kind
Most Lively
Most Nice
Most Obedient
Most Silly
Most Clumsy
Most Fierce
Most Lazy